Scheme of study BS Bioengineering
MPhil Bioengineering For award of M. Phil/M.S/Equivalent degree, candidates will either need to complete 30 credit hours of course work or complete 24 credit hours of course work along with a minimum of 6 credit hours for research work/thesis. Program Structure of MPhil/MS
Sr. No. Course ID Course Title Course Cr. Hrs.
Semester I
1 BE601 Advances in Cell & Molecular Biology Core 3
2 BE602 Bioinformatics and Big data sciences Core 3
3 Elective 1 Elective 3
Semester II
1 BE603 Frontiers in Bioengineering Research Core 3
2 Elective 2 Elective 3
3 Elective 3 Elective 3
Semester III
1 BE604 Project Planning and Report writing Required 3
2 Thesis I 3
Semester IV
1 Elective 4 Elective 3
2 Thesis II 3
Bootstrap Example